Progress over perfection, always!

This special section highlights the various projects I’ve worked on over the years. As this section updates with my newest endeavors, I hope to look back at each fondly and appreciate the growth I’ve made thus far.

This is a brand style guide that I made for my personal brand in my capstone course in the Professional Writing Minor! It was inspired from childhood shows, stories, and games. I used Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Fresco, and Photoshop to create this.

promotional flyer

This is an infographic I made during my marketing internship at ECPC Travel. I used Canva Pro to make this.

I revamped ECPC Travel's color palette, taking inspiration from the world's natural wonders to evoke a vivid, energizing feeling. I used Adobe Photoshop to create this moodboard.

Claudia holding magazine

I spent a quarter writing and designing for UCSB's literary magazine The Catalyst in which I wrote and designed the layout for my submission. The art was done by my classmate Tyler Villareal. I used Adobe Photoshop and InDesign create this.

sitting smiling Claudia

I have a separate portfolio dedicated to my content creation on social media. Feel free to check it out!

Michael Berry UCLA Professor

I published a news coverage article in my Digital Journalism class! This was definitely a step out of my comfort zone, learning and adhering to AP writing conventions but I'm overall proud of this piece.

This was a braided essay I wrote in my creative nonfiction writing class in Phillips Exeter. It was inspired by my growing appreciation of my Asian American heritage. I submitted it in the UCSB 2022 Creativity Contest and it won 1st place in the Prose category!

Spicy Korean seafood soup

This was a short story I wrote in my Asian American creative writing class. Inspired from my experience abroad and my love for food, it was both fun and challenging to delve into the fiction genre.

love my body

This is a braided essay I wrote in my creative nonfiction writing class at UCSB. It was raw, challenging yet healing to write as well.
Trigger warning: eating disorders, body image.

ucsb cheer

This is a group paper I wrote in my Small Group Communication class, in which we were required to observe an organization on campus and apply communication theories to improve their group dynamics.

Maddy Holleran

This was a short creative nonfiction essay I wrote at the end of my senior year of high school dissecting the intersection between a student athlete's physical and mental health. This was heavily inspired from personal experience, What Made Maddy Run by Kate Fagan, and Victoria Garrick's Ted Talk "Athletes and Mental Health: The Hidden Opponent."

Flamin' Hot Cheetos

I wrote this personal and playful creative nonfiction essay about my love for Flamin' Hot Cheetos. This essay combined the essential elements to creative nonfiction writing-- narrative, reflection, and description-- with expository writing. I hope to engage in food writing more!