Progress over perfection, always!

This special section highlights the various projects I’ve worked on over the years. As this section updates with my newest endeavors, I hope to look back at each fondly and appreciate the growth I’ve made thus far.

empty highway and speed limit sign

I wrote this poem while a magazine writer for "The Catalyst." Prompted by photograph taken by my classmate, Tyler Villareal, my poem took loose inspiration from personal experience and the nature surrounding UC Santa Barbara.

Claudia's family

This is a turning point analysis done on my family, designed to track intergenerational trends across 3 generations: my grandparents, parents, and myself. Written and researched through an intercultural lens, this paper reflects on filial piety, instrumental support, and the impact of immigration on family relationships.

architecture design panel

I created an architecture panel in a group project for my Interior Design class in Korea University. Our task was to remodel the architecture hallway according to our client's critera. I used Adobe Illustrator to create the panel and my archietctural knowledge when writing the descriptions.